Many of you will be aware that earlier this week the UK Prime Minister briefed the nation on new measures to protect its citizens and combat the spread of the corona virus. These new measures limit the movement of individuals outside of their homes to essential purposes only. Whilst work is included in essential purposes, it is limited to key workers involved in providing essential services.
As a result of the implementation of new measures in the UK, changes in supply of key components, such as engines, and the suspension in UK of Government of vehicles for 3 months we have taken the difficult decision to:
We have agreed an initial 4 week “lock down” period with a continual review of HM Government advice and the status of our employees, customers, vendors and the virus.
Parts supply and the Call Centre operation will continue until such time we don’t have the staff to carry out this function safely as a result of COVID-19 . We will make every effort to deliver on service and parts orders and will communicate proactively where issues do arise. We will keep you advised of any changes to this policy as it arises and our proposed return to normal operation.
We look forward to the end of the pandemic and a return to full production. We will you, your families and your teams all our best wishes at this challenging time.
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