Lloyds Coaches have placed an order for two Optare MetroCity buses following the excellent performance of the Optare Versa and Solo models purchased last year. The MetroCity buses will join a fleet of 30 buses at Lloyds Coaches and serve the T2 TrawsCymru route.
Wyn Lloyd, who founded Lloyds Coaches in 2002, commented: “After reviewing the impressive fuel efficiency figures of other Optare MetroCity buses operating on TrawsCymru routes and the great performance of the Versa and Solo vehicles we purchased last year, the MetroCity was the obvious choice.”
Robert Drewery, Optare’s Commercial Director, said: “I know Lloyds Coaches has previously bought buses from rival manufactures, so I am delighted that the performance of the Optare product has impressed them enough to choose Optare once again.”

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